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Duhbya's Diary 
A day by day account of the goings on in the life of the pResident

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Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Fell off the danged bike again...

More ...pretty little pills...
Drewcifer posted this at 8:16 PM.

Monday, July 05, 2004


Maybe I should learn to communicate better.

I'm sure something will pop into my head at some point...
Drewcifer posted this at 4:15 PM.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

It's so great that we have concerned citizens in the US

In fact, I just got this lovely letter in the mail today. It's good to see people with enough respect for the President to write a letter of support.

We need more citizens like that and less like that Anti-Jesus, pro-vote counting fucktard Patrick Leahy.
Drewcifer posted this at 7:15 PM.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I'm George Duhbya Bush, bitch...

Poppy's old boss finally kicked the bucket recently. Hopefully I can ride the media wave of Saint Reagan to re-election. Everybody calls Ronald Reagan "The Great Communicator", and hopefully the voters will see me as the same. I mean, I can talk good also.

I just hope Ol' Ronnie isn't looking up from hell and throwing bad mojo on me. I can't afford anymore bad vibes coming my way.
Drewcifer posted this at 2:26 AM.

Monday, May 24, 2004

I don't care what anyone says....

I fell off that dang bike and it had nothing to do at all with me yelling at Laura and then tripping on the carpet.

Geez...I was celebrating Jenna graduating college. Who woulda guessed that would have happened? I have another daughter, right? What in the green hell has that other one done for me lately???

I need some more money in my re-election funds. That's what Karl and Uncle Dick say.

If they'd let me speak for myself, I'd tell the world my idea of my re-election theme:

I'm George W. Bush, bitch

Shit, I have November locked up. Poppy won the Iraq war in '91 and lost to Clinton. I'm losing the Iraq war in '04, but I have the election fixed anyway (or so I'm promised). Things are gonna get ugly.

Thank Jesus for a thing called VOTER APATHY...

Drewcifer posted this at 4:59 AM.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

John Kerry has no right being President!

He's a flip-flopper. America won't stand for people who flip-flop on their own decisions.

Drewcifer posted this at 7:58 AM.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

These allegations are false!

I may have engaged in some homo-erotic ativities while I was in skull 'n bones, and I might be guilty of knocking up that skank in Texas and paying for her abotion while abortion was still illegal...

But I have never, EVER fucked a goat.

Besides, America has real issues to deal with. Issues like Janet Jackson's boobie being shown on live TV. That's the main problem in America. Ashcroft and I were just talking about that the other day. We both agreed that if there's going to be a woman exposing her jahoobies on network TV, then it should be a white woman. Like LeeAnn Rimes.

I think some people just got too uppity. It's just been a wierd week or two like that.
Drewcifer posted this at 3:13 AM.