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Duhbya's Diary 
A day by day account of the goings on in the life of the pResident

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Monday, May 24, 2004

I don't care what anyone says....

I fell off that dang bike and it had nothing to do at all with me yelling at Laura and then tripping on the carpet.

Geez...I was celebrating Jenna graduating college. Who woulda guessed that would have happened? I have another daughter, right? What in the green hell has that other one done for me lately???

I need some more money in my re-election funds. That's what Karl and Uncle Dick say.

If they'd let me speak for myself, I'd tell the world my idea of my re-election theme:

I'm George W. Bush, bitch

Shit, I have November locked up. Poppy won the Iraq war in '91 and lost to Clinton. I'm losing the Iraq war in '04, but I have the election fixed anyway (or so I'm promised). Things are gonna get ugly.

Thank Jesus for a thing called VOTER APATHY...

Drewcifer posted this at 4:59 AM.